Tag: mountain pine beetle

Source: National Geographic Since we started Sustainable Lumber Co. we’ve been blessed to work with some of the best professionals and scientists in the world. World-renowned Professor Diana Six with the University of Montana has dedicated her life to researching the Mountain Pine Beetle and its damage. This tiny little beetle has killed millions of […]

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What is Beetle Killed Pine? The millions of acres of dead pine trees riddled throughout the Western United States and Canada is better know as Beetle Kill Pine. The killer of these trees is the mountain pine beetle which bores into the wood, lays their eggs, and ultimately suffocates the tree by cutting off it’s water and […]

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Source: National Geographic THE BUGS THAT EAT PINE TREES One chilly morning in October 2013, Diana Six parked her white Subaru at the edge of a pine forest in southwestern Montana’s Big Hole Valley. Beneath snow-tipped peaks, lodgepole pines in four different colors draped the hillside—a timeline of carnage. The gray ones, now just trunks […]

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Source: Science 20 Warming winters may be linked to mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the coldest areas of the western United States but the causes are multi-faceted, according to a new U.S. Forest Service study. This is the first study to evaluate warmer winters as a factor permitting simultaneous outbreaks of mountain pine beetle across the majority of its range in the […]

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Source: National Geographic We’ve been blessed to be mentioned by National Geographic in their recent article about the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic. Sustainable Lumber Co. is one of the only manufactures specifically creating products around beetle kill pine trees in order to salvage and sequester the carbon storage before it burns or decay’s in our […]

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